![]() ![]() | Родился: 1944 | ||
Отец: Татур Хенрик Зыгмундович | Мать: Галина Шмальц | ||
Дети: Татур Юлика Анджеевна, Татур Рената Анджеевна | |||
Братья и сёстры: Борковски (Татур) Эва Хенриковна |
Татур Анджей Хенрикович родился в 1944 в г. Варшава.
Геолог-полярник, директор Института Биологии Антарктики Польской Академии Наук. Директор польской антарктической станции имени Хенрика Арктовского. Профессор Университета Природы в Люблине. Участник множества полярных экспедиций: аргентинских, норвежских, русских, польских.
Жена Ганка.
prof. Andrzej Tatur- pełna lista publikacji (chronologicznie)
- Czerwiński Z., Kotowska J. and Tatur A. 1974. Short geobotanical characteristic. Ekol. pol. 22: 475-486.
- Czerwiński Z. and Tatur A. 1974. The soil — geological conditions. Ekol. pol. 22: 487 — 504.
- Czerwiński Z. and Tatur A. 1974. The effect of penning up sheep on some chemical properties of soil. Ekol. pol. 22, 3/4: 535 -546.
- Czerwiński Z., Jakubczyk H., Tatur A. and Traczyk T. 1974. The effect of penning up sheep on soil microflora and vegetation. Ekol. pol. 22: 547 — 558.
- Breymeyer A., Jakubczyk H. and Tatur A. 1975. Translocation of mineral nitrogen in the soil after fertilizing the meadow: proposal for field methods. Bulletin de La Polonaise des Sciences. CI.II, Vol.XXIII, Nr 5; 319-323.
- Jakubczyk H., Chmielewski K. and Tatur A. 1976. The relationship among potential respiration rate of meadow litter its chemical composition and number of microflora. Pol. ecol. Stud. 2,4; 299 -314.
- Tatur A. 1978. Transformation and movement of mineral forms of nitrogen in soil. Pol. ecol. Stud. 4,1; 37 — 45.
- Tatur A., Planter M. and Kurowski S. 1978. Chemical composition of waters percolating through meadow soil at differentiated mineral fertilization. Pol. ecol. Stud. 4,1; 95 -105.
- Moszyńska B. and Tatur A. 1978. Characteristic of the process of decaying of grass leaves. Pol. ecol. Stud. 4,1; 143 -150.
- Traczyk T. and Tatur A. 1978. The influence of mineral fertilization on the chemical composition of hay. Pol. ecol Stud. 4,1; 219 — 227.
- Ławacz W., Planter M., Stasiak K., Tatur A. and Więckowski K. 1978. The past present and future of three Masurian Lakes. Pol. Arch. Hydrobiol. 25, 1/2; 233 -238.
- Tatur A. and Wilpiszewska I. 1978. Metale ciężkie w osadach Wisły. Człowiek i Środowisko. Biuletyn Naukowy zeszyt 4, 1978; 30 — 34.
- Planter M., Ławacz W. and Tatur A. 1983. Biotic structure and processes in the lake system of river Jorka watershed (Masurian Lakeland). Poland). II. Physical and chemical properties of water and sediments. Ekol. pol. 31; 587 — 611.
- Pietr J., Tatur A. and Myrcha A. 1983. Mineralization of penguin excrements in the Admiralty Bay region (King George Island, South Shetlands, Antarctica). Pol. Polar Res. 4, 1- 4; 97-112.
- Tatur A. and Myrcha A. 1983. Changes in chemical composition of waters running off from the penguin rookeries in Admiralty Bay region (King George Island, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica). Pol. Polar Res. 4,1-4; 113 -125.
- Tatur A. and Myrcha A. 1984. Ornithogenic soils on King George Island, South Shetlands Islands (Maritime Antarctic Zone). Pol. Polar Res. 5,1-2; 31- 60.
- Tatur A. and Barczuk A. 1984. Phosphates of ornithogenic soil on the volcanic King George Island (Maritime Antarctic). Pol. Polar Res. 5, 1-2; 61-97.
- Stasiak K. and Tatur A. 1985. Factors affecting nutrient budget in lakes of the r. Jorka watershed (Masurian Lakeland Poland). III Impact of man on the matter input and sedimentation in the past. Ekol. pol. 33, 2; 225 — 232.
- Tatur A. and Stasiak K. 1985. Factors affecting nutrient budget in lakes of r. Jorka watershed (Masurian Lakeland Poland). IV. Heavy metals in recent lacustrine sediments. Ekol. pol. 33, 2; 233 — 241.
- Tatur A. and Barczuk A. 1985. Ornithogenic phosphates on King George Island in the maritime Antarctic Zone. In: Antarctic Nutrient Cycle and Food Webs (ed. by W. R. Siegfried, P. R. Condy and R. M. Lows). Springer Verlag. Berlin, Heidelberg 1985; 163 — 168.
- Myrcha A., Pietr S. J. and Tatur A. 1985. The role of Pygoscelid penguin rookeries in nutrient cycles at Admiralty Bay King George Island. (In: Antarctic Nutrient Cycle and Food Webs (ed. by W. R. Siegfried, P. R. Condy and R. M. Lows) Springer Verlag. Berlin, Heidelberg 1985; 156 -162.
- Tatur A. 1986. Możliwości wykorzystania analiz chemicznych osadów dennych jezior w badaniach monitoringowych. Monitoring ekosystemów jeziornych Ossolineum; 115 — 126).
- Tatur A. i del Valle R.1986. Baden paleolimnologiczne i geomorfologiczne na wyspie Króla Jerzego, Antarktyka Zachodnia (1984 -1986) [ Paleolimnological and geomorphologic investigation on King George Island (1984 — 1986) ] Przegląd Geologiczny Nr 11; 621 — 626.
- Myrcha A. and Tatur A. 1986. Argentine — Polish scientific cooperation in Antarctica (1984 — 1986). Pol. Polar Res. 7,4; 427 — 431.
- Tatur A. 1987. Lake sediments as the response of human activity. International Workshop on Geochemistry and Monitoring in Representative Basins. (eds. B. Moldan and T. Paces). Geological Survey Prague (extended abstracts; 181-184).
- Tatur A. 1987. Fluorine in ornithogenic soils and minerals on King George Island, West Antarctica. Pol. Polar Res. 8,1; 65 — 74.
- Myrcha A., Tatur A. and del Valle R. 1987. Numbers of Adelie penguins breeding at Hope Bay and Seymour Island rookeries (West Antarctica). Pol. Polar Res. 8, 4; 411 — 422.
- del Valle R.A., Nuńez J.H., Rinaldi C.A. y Tatur A. 1988. Resultados preliminares de la expedicion paleolimnologica Argentino-Polaca al lago Yehuin, Tierra del Fuego. Anales del Simposio Internacional sobre el Holoceno en America del Sur, Parana 1988, Argentina, (extended abstracts).
- Myrcha A. and Tatur A. 1988. Polska kolekcja pingwinów kopalnych z wyspy Seymour 1988. (Polish Collection of fossil penguins from Seymour Island West Antarctica). XV Sympozjum Badań Polarnych, maj 1988 Wroc³aw. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego. Wrocław 1988; (extended abstracts: 317 — 326).
- Tatur A. and Myrcha A. 1988. Soils and vegetation in abandoned penguin rookeries (Maritime Antarctic Zone). Proc. NIPR Symp. Polar Biology 2; 181 — 189.
- Tatur A. 1989. Ornithogenic Soils of the maritime Antarctic. Pol. Polar Res. 10,4; 481 — 532.
- Gruszczyński M., Hałas S., Hofman A., Małkowski K. and Tatur A.1990. Some geochemical aspects of life and burial environments of late Jurassic scleractinian corals from northern Poland. N. Jb. Geol. Palaeont. Mh. H 11; 673 — 686. (Neues Jahrbuch fuer Geologie und Palaeontologie Monatshefte)
- Myrcha, Tatur A. and del Valle R. 1990. A new species of fossil penguin from Seymour Island (West Antarctica) Alcheringa 14; 195-205.
- Tatur A., Keck A. 1990. Phosphates in ornithogenic soils of the maritime Antarctic. Proc. NIPRSymp. Polar Biol. 3: 133-150.
- del Valle R., Nuñez H., Rinaldi C. and Tatur A.1990. Preliminary results of the Argentinean Polish Paleolimnological Expedition to Yehuin Lake Tierra del Fuego (Southern tip of South America): Evolution of biota and landscape at the marginal zone of the last glaciation. Quaternary Journal of the South America and Antarctic Peninsula. (ed. J. Rabassa). Balkema 7; 353 — 364.
- Myrcha A. and Tatur A. 1991. Ecological role of the current and abandoned penguin rookeries in the land environment of the maritime Antarctic. Pol. Polar Res. 12,1; 3 — 24.
- Tatur A., del Valle R. and Pazdur M. 1991. Lake sediments in maritime Antarctic Zone: A record of landscape and biota evolution: preliminary report. Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 24; 3022 — 3024.
- Tatur A. and Myrcha A.1991. Biogeochemical cycle of ornithogenic matter on land — sea boundary in maritime Antarctic zone. In: R. Z. Klekowski and K. W. Opaliński (eds.) First Polish -Soviet Antarctic Symposium «Arctowski 85». Proceedings of the Symposium organized on Polish Antarctic Station Arctowski King George Island, South Shetland Islands on Dec. 16, 1985 Ossolineum. Wrocław; 169-176.
- Myrcha A., Ochyra R. and Tatur A.1991 Site of Special Scientific Interest no. 8, Western shore of Admiralty Bay, King George Island, South Shetland Islands. In: R.Z. Klekowski and K.W. Opaliński (eds.). First Polish -Soviet Antarctic Symposium «Arctowski 85». Proceedings of the Symposium organized on Polish Antarctic Station „Arctowski” King George Island, South Shetland Islands on Dec.16, 1985. Ossolineum Wrocław;157-168.
- Tatur A. 1992. Gleby ornitogenne W: Rakusa Suszczewski (ed.) Zatoka Admiralicji, Antarktyka. Oficyna Wydawnicza Instytutu Ekologii PAN. Dziekanów Leśny; 221 — 230.
- Gaździcki A., Gruszczyński M., Hoffman A., Małkowski K., Marensi S., Hałas S. and Tatur A. 1992. Stable carbon and oxygen isotope record in the Paleogene of La Meseta Formation Seymour Island Antarctica. Antarctic Science 4,4; 461 — 468.
- Tatur A. and Myrcha A. Ornithogenic soils. In: Rakusa Suszczewski (ed.) The maritime Antarctic Coastal Ecosystem of Admiralty Bay. Department of Antarctic Biology. Polish Academy of Sciences. Warsaw 1993; 161 — 165.
- del Valle R. and Tatur A. 1993 Holocene evolution of landscape and biota on King George Island. Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. VI. Paleolimnology 25; 1128-1130.
- Tatur A., Barczuk A., del Valle R., Sletten R. and Kicińska E. 1993. Surface mineralisation on Seymour Island, Antarctica. Pol. Polar Res. 14,2; 153 -168.
- Tambussi C., Noriega J., Gaździcki A., Tatur A., Reguero M.A. and Vizcaino S.F. 1994. The first occurrence of ratite bird in the Paleogene of Antarctica. In: XXI Polar Symposium Warszawa 1994 (extended abstract; 45- 48).
- Tambussi C., Noriega J., Gaździcki A., Tatur A., Reguero M.A. and Vizcaino S.F. 1994. Ratite bird from the Paleogene La Meseta formation Seymour Island Antarctica 1994. Pol. Polar Res.15,1-2; 15 — 20.
- Martinez — Macchiavello J.C., Tatur A., Servant -Vildary S. and del Valle R. 1996. Holocene environmental changes in a marine — estuarine -lacustrine sediment sequence, King George Island, Antarctica. Antarctic Science. 8,4; 312 — 322.
- Gaździcki A., Lipiec M. and Tatur A. 1996. Speleothem-like structures from the Sobral Formation (Paleocene) of Seymour Island, Antarctica. Korean Journal of Polar Research. 7,1/2: 120-121.
- Tatur A. 1996. Reakcja ekosystemu Antarktyki na zmiany klimatu. Problemy Klimatologii Polarnej 5; 149-157.
- Tatur A., del Valle R., Amos A. 1996. Historia Rozwoju jezior andyjskich i patagońskich (transekt Tronador — Cari Laufquen Grande). Sprawozdania z czynności i posiedzeń Polskiej Akademii Umiejętności Tom LX 1996, Kraków 1997: 112-113.
- del Valle R.A., Lirio J.M., Nuñez H.J., Tatur A., Rinaldi C.A., Lusky J.C. and Amos A.J. 1996. Reconstruction paleoambientas Pleistoceno Holoceno en latitudes medias al este de los Andes. XIII Congreso Geologico Argentino y III Congreso de Exploration de Hidrocarburos, Buenos Aires, Actas IV: 85 -102.
- Tatur A., Myrcha A. and Niegodzisz J. 1997. Formation of abandoned penguin rookery ecosystems in maritime Antarctic. Polar Biology. 17: 405 — 417.
- Tatur A.1997. Ornithogenic soils of the maritime Antarctic: taxonomic position. Polish Polar Studies, 24 Polar Symp. Warszawa 1997: 297-299.
- Czerwiński Z., Pracz J., Tatur A. 1998. Typologia i właściwości gleb wytworzonych z niektórych skał osadowych w paśmie Gór Bardzkich. Zesz. Probl. Post. Nauk Rol. 464: 75-88.
- Bianchi M.M., Masaferro J., Roman Ross G., del Valle R., Tatur A., Amos A.J. 1997. The Pleistocene-Holocene boundary from cores of Lago Trebol, Patagonia, Argentina: paleolimnological evidences. Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. (Congress in Sao Paulo, Brasil 1995): 26, 805-808.
- Tatur A., Martinez-Macchiavello J.C., Nigodzisz J., del Valle R. 1999. A record of Holocene environmental changes in sediment core of Hotel Lake, King George Island, Antarctica. Polish Polar Studies, XXVI Polar Symp, Lublin, June 1999: 379-389.
- Tatur A., del Valle R., Barczuk A. 1999. Discussion on the uniform pattern of Holocene tephrochronology in South Shetland Islands, Antarctica. Polish Polar Studies, XXVI Polar Symp, Lublin, June 1999: 303-321.
- Tatur A., del Valle R., Bianchi M.-M., Outes V., Villarosa G. 2000. Late Pleistocene Pluvial Phase in Patagonia. Proc. of PAGES, Praha, Sept 6-9, 2000, Geolines 11, 47-51.
- Dobrzyń P., Keck A., Tatur A. 2000. Chlorophylls in the mud of an intertidal flat of an Arctic Fjord. Polish Polar Studies, XXVII Polar Symposium, Toruń, December 2000: 15-21.
- del Valle, R.A., J.M. Lirio, H. Nuńez, C.A. Rinaldi, Tatur A. 2000. Sedimentary cores from Lago Mascardi, Nahuel Huapi National Park, Argentina In: Smolka, P. and Volkheimer W. (Eds) First results from a key site. Southern Hemisphere Paleo and Neoclimates: Key Sites, Methods, Data and Models. Springer Verlag, 381pp .
- Tatur A. (2002) Ornithogenic Ecosystems in the maritime Antarctic — formation, development and disintegration. In: Beyer L. and Bölter M. (eds). Geoecology of Terrestrial Antarctic Ice-Free Coastal Landscapes, Ecological Studies 154, Springer Verlag 161-184.
- Tatur A., del Valle R., Bianchi M.-M., Outes V., Villarosa G., Niegodzisz J., Debaene G. (2002) Late Pleistocene palaeolakes in Andes and Extra-Andean Patagonia at mid-latitudes of South America. Quaternary International. 89, 135-150.
- Myrcha A., Jadwiszczak P., Noriega J., Tambussi C., Gaździcki A., Tatur A., del Valle R. 2002. Taxonomic revision of Antarctic Eocene penguins based on tarsometatarsus morphology. Polish Polar Research 23,1: 5-46
- Czerpak R., Piotrowska A.,Dobrzyń P., Tatur A., Marczuk M. 2003. The effect of biochanin A on the chlorophylls and carotenoids content in the alga chlorella vulgaris Beijerinck. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum 25 (3); 271-278.
- Barczuk A., Tatur A. 2003 Biogenic phosphate and sulphate minerals in the soils of Antarctic Peninsula. Mineralogical Society of Poland – Prace Specjalne PTM, tom 23: 41-44.
- Dobrzyń P. Tatur A. 2003. Algal pigments in fast ice and under-ice water in an Arctic fjord (May 1997). Sarsia 88, 4: 291-296.
- Hefting M., Clement J.C., Dowrick D., Cosandey A.C., Bernal S., Cimpian C., Tatur A., Burt T.P., Pinay G. 2004. Water table elevation controls on soil nitrogen cycling in riparian wetlands along European climatic gradient. Biogeochemistry 67, 113-134. Reprinted as chapter 5 (89-105) in: Hefting M.M., Nitrogen transformation in riparian buffer zones. Utrecht University 2003 (ISBN 90-393-3554-9).
- Gaździcki A., Hara U.,.Tatur A., 2004. The Weddell Sea Formation. Pol. Polar Res. 25, 189-204.
- Tatur A., del Valle R., Barczuk A., Martinez-Macchiavello J. 2004. A record of Holocene environmental changes in terrestrial sedimentary deposits on King George Island, Antarctica. Ocean and Polar Research. 26, 3: 531-537.
- del Valle, R.A.,Tatur A. CBE, Lusky J.C., Gomezizquierdo D.R. 2004. Cambios morfologicos recientes de la peninsula Potter, isla 25 de Mayo, isles Shetland del Sur, Antarctida. Revista de la Asociation Geologica Argentina 59,3: 443-450.
- Dobrzyń P., Keck A., Tatur A. (2005) Sedimentation of chlorophylls in an Arctic fjord under freshwater discharge. Hydrobiologia 532, 1:1-8.
- Birkenmajer K., Tatur A 2005. First Cenozoic glaciers in West Antarctica. Pol. Polar Res 26,1: 3-12.
- Tatur A., Wasiłowska A., Gromadka P., 2006. Heavy metals In Mouse dust from Warsaw (Metale ciężkie w kurzu domowym miasta Warszawy) Ecological Chemistry and Engineering 13,7:695-702. (Kraków, poster)
- Tatur A. 2006. Zmiany ekosystemów morskich i lądowych Antarktyki pod wpływem fluktuacji klimatycznych (77-91).W: Styczyńska A., Marsz A. (eds) Zmiany klimatyczne w Arktyce i Antarktyce w ostatnim pięćdziesięcioleciu XX wieku i ich implikacje środowiskowe.
- Szeroczyńska K., Tatur A., .Weckstrom J., Gąsiorowski M., Noryśkiewicz A.M., Sienkiewicz E. (2007) Holocene environmental changes In northwest Finish Lapland reflected In the multi-proxy rekord of a small subarctic lake. J. Paleolimnol. 38,1: 00-00.
- Lee Y II, Lim H.S., Yoon H. I., Tatur A 2007. Characteristics of tephra in Holocene lake sediments on King George Island, West Antarctica: implications for deglaciation and paleoenvironment. Quat .Sci. Rev. 26: 3167-3178.
- Jadwiszczak, P. Gazdzicki, A. and Tatur, A. 2008. An ibis-like bird from the Upper La Meseta Formation (Late Eocene) of Seymour Island, Antarctica. Antarctic Science 20: 413-414.
- Majewski W. , Tatur A. 2009. Criboelphdium webbi sp. Nov.: A new Antarctic foraminifer species for detecting climate changes in sub Recent glacier – proximal sediments. Antarctic Science (AntSci-2009-SP-0279.R1)